
Budget-Friendly Tips for Homebuying as a Family

By Alexis Hall   Your children may not be contributing to the mortgage, but homebuying will no doubt be a family affair. Your kids' needs (and futures) will dictate many aspects of the home-buying process, but that doesn't mean you have to go over budget or become over-stressed. The Vieira Group offers ...

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Easy Ways to Boost Your Home’s Curb Appeal in Winter

By Lisa Roberts [caption id="attachment_2071" align="aligncenter" width="640"] Featured image[/caption] Curb appeal is always important for anyone trying to sell their home, which is no different during winter. That said, most techniques people use to boost curb appeal are impossible during winter. Fortunately, there are quite a few ways to increase your home's ...

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How Decluttering Can Help You Sell Your Home Faster

 It’s getting tougher and tougher to sell your property at a good price. By: Lisa Roberts The real estate market is more competitive than ever, and it’s only going to get tougher to sell your property. So, it is no wonder people are scrambling to find any way to make their property ...

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Essential Questions To Ask When Viewing a House

By Lisa Roberts Making sure that you choose the right house and viewing them can be very exciting. However, it can also be a lot of work. Especially if this is your first time buying one, since buying a house is a lot different from looking for apartments to buy or ...

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Creative Ways to Finance Your Home Purchase

By Lisa Roberts Everyone wants to invest in high-value assets, like real estate, to protect against inflation since it has risen to levels last seen in 1981. However, a single rental unit might cost hundreds of thousands of dollars. Of course, you can get a loan for an investment property, but ...

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Solar Energy Overview

Solar energy is quickly becoming a more popular and affordable power source for homeowners and businesses. With residential solar energy, you can lower your carbon footprint and see substantial cost savings. How solar power works The Solar panels collect sunlight and turn it into DC energy The inverter converts DC electricity ...

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Heat Pump Glossary

A Air Handler: The indoor component of a heating and cooling system that circulates air throughout a building. Air Source: A type of heat pump that extracts heat from the air and transfers it elsewhere to raise or lower the temperature of a space. Air to Air: A variety of air source heat pump that collects ...

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Electricity Bill Report: Who paid the most, least?

Source: Electricity bills are relentless – they come every month, and there’s little alternative except to pay them. But some months are more painful for residential electricity than others. Most state electricity comparisons are made on the basis of electricity rates, usually expressed in cents per kilowatt-hours (kWh). It’s a ...

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Senior Isolation Guide for Better Sleep

Source: SLEEPOPOLiS As we age, most of us don’t have the same vibrant social lives we did when we were young. In fact, approximately 50% of adults over 60 years old are more at risk for social isolation. (1) If you’re a senior who is experiencing isolation (or a loved one ...

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Attracting Millennial Buyers

Millennials now make up a large percentage of our country’s population. According to the National Association of Realtors, they also now make up around 42% of home buyers. As their family sizes increase and they begin to reach their prime earning potential, a new and larger home is something that ...

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